Tuesday 5 March 2013

Religion equals morality? Religion is helpful?

It's easy to shake off your belief in religion, the easiest way of doing so is actually reading your religion's "holy" books. Books full of hatred, huge mistakes and ignorance, genocide, misogyny, where homosexuality is looked down on, seen as a sin, being non-white is looked down on, racism and slavery is rife and general bigotry is sold as "truth".

Now, even after accepting the clear fact that these books only contain a bunch of mythological stories and there's nothing holy in there, there are some arguments used by religious people in favor of the general concept of religion, which usually are: "religion gives the person it's morality" , "religion is useful" , "religion is helpful", "we need religion, atheism is bad, look at Stalin!". I'll try and explain why all these arguments are bullshitology.

I'm going to quote Christopher Hitchens' "Show me one moral act undertaken by a religious person that could not have been done by someone who doesn’t believe in God."
The whole concept of the morality of religion destroyed in one line. There is nothing nice a religious person can do that can't be done by a non-religious person as well. In fact, religion is responsible for the most immoral, most barbaric events in our planet's history. Believing that morality comes from religion is dangerous. Morality existed long before religion did. Morality pre-dates any religion that exists today.

This leads to the "Stalin" argument, a very cheap one if you ask me. We have Hitler, a Christian Catholic(who had the full support of the catholic church for his horrible acts), and Stalin, an atheist, responsible for the deaths of even more people. We go back to destroy the morality argument again: religious people can be good, and religious people can be bad. Non-religious people can be good, and non-religious people can be bad. So simple. Proof that morality does not come from religion.

Now, is religion any helpful or useful for a person? Is, the belief that you are a part of a big plan, and that an imaginary father figure knows every step you take and helps you achieve your goals, helpful for your life? I honestly think it depends. 

Personally, i'm not a religious person and i don't understand how believing in lies can help me go on. I don't even wish that someone was out there, i don't wish for a plan, and i don't wish that someone knows what i do and what i think. It would be like living in North Korea. That someone would also criticize and punish me for what i do, or even for what i think, while claiming unconditional love towards me. Even if this figure existed, i wouldn't want to believe in it, because it dares to say that i'm a sinner who can't stand alone without it, without it's forgiveness about something i never did myself, and who claims to have extreme powers, but chooses not to free people from their sufferings "just because". I wouldn't want to believe in this monster, and i don't see how threatens of  "eternal hell" can be helpful for going on in life. The only thing it caused in my life when i was brainwashed as a kid was guilt, and fear, and i didn't want to live my life like that, forever.

What helps you go on everyday, is not the hundreds of unanswered prayers towards the invisible monster, it's much more simple than that.  It's..a beautiful scenery. Art. Science. Love. Literature. A hug. A dinner with your parents. Laughing with your best friend. Joking with your sister.  Playing with your brother. Your memories and your future. That person who will always make you smile when you think of him. Now, aren't these things much more worthy that your God..?

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