Wednesday 6 March 2013


More and more non-believers prefer to call themselves "agnostics" rather than "atheists" (which i agree is not a good term for a non-believer either).
From wikipedia :  "Agnosticism is the view that the existence or non-existence of any deity is unknown and possibly unknowable."

How exactly does this term express your religious views?
There is no such thing as 'agnosticism' because every single human is agnostic. Obviously "the existence or non-existence of any deity is unknown and possibly unknowable." We all know that. Don't pretend you are special cause you figured out "we can't know for sure".

Stop committing the "middle ground" fallacy. You either believe in a God who created the world consciously and interferes with your life and the life of others for his master plan or you don't. You either live your life by that dogma or you don't.

Now, atheism. All humans are atheists to certain Gods. Christians are atheists about Krishna and Muslims are atheists about Buddha. And i'm an atheist about all the Gods invented in human history.

The number of the in-the-closet atheists worry me. They are far more than you imagine they are. We need to expose the hypocrisy of atheists that insist that they are theists. They are the majority. Personally, I am not concerned with the extremists. I am concerned with the hypocrite atheists who call themselves theists and give excuse to the fundamentalists and leaders to keep the detrimental effects of religion within society. They allow the lunatics to justify their belief. These people believe that the hypocrite atheists need more hardcore religion because they are not as religious as they should.

You don't believe in God if you remember him when shit hits the fan. You don't believe in God when you have the religion of your parents, a religion given to you unwillingly and because of pure luck. You believe in the belief of God and you only do it because you are ignorant or a hypocrite or both.


  1. you forgot apatheists like myself. i'm sure you have something to say to us too:)

  2. I worship Father Dagon and Mother Hydra! Iä! Iä!
