Friday 8 March 2013


Having ideologies and learning about politics, starts the same way learning about religion does, it starts with family. What is believed in the family has a certain kind of prestige and heaviness, because it comes from people who are very important for the person, and whom the person admires.

In an ideal environment, these ideologies are later being challenged through education and critical thinking.
In countries like mine, it's usual that the ideologies coming from the family are often repeated and supported in education too, through history classes and dangerous and archaic celebrations such as "national holidays", which resemble fascist regimes.

Unfortunately, from soccer clubs, to media and even coffee houses, everything in Cyprus makes a person feel like he must choose an ideology, and most importantly, be fanatic about it. Reading neutral historical sources is, of course, not encouraged, but having a very selective memory, and an extremely good memory when remembering the mistakes of our historical opponents, is. And for goodness' sake, any mistake our country or political party ever made is automatically deleted and rejected.

Cyprus was under oppressing regimes for the biggest part of its history, and from the time it went "free", its people managed to create a completely fascist society, in their attempt to prove themselves how democrats they are, and how they live so much better without these regimes.

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