Wednesday 6 March 2013

Gay Marriage

I found a picture on the web, "10 Reasons to ban Gay Marriage" , and i want to contribute to it even more. My comments in the brackets are, needless to say, ironic.

1. Being gay is not natural. 

(Yes, because natural is only what exists in nature, right? including 1.500 animal species that practice homosexuality. Oh wait..
Also, we know EVERYONE rejects unnatural things, like cars, eyeglasses and air-conditioning.)

2. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay.

(Of course! How come i never thought about it before? exactly like standing next to tall people will encourage people to become tall! Happens all the time!)

3. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door of all kinds of crazy behaviour. People may even wish to marry their pets.

(Because we all know that a goat has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.)

4. Straight marriage has been around for a lot of time and it hasn't changed at all. Why change now?

(Sure it hasn't changed at all. You still pay 3 camels to marry your woman, black people still can't marry white people, and divorce is still illegal. It hasn't changed at all indeed.)

5. The sanctity of marriage will be destroyed.

(The sanctity of getting married in Las Vegas after getting drunk with a person you know for 2 hours will certainly be destroyed. What a pity that is!)

6. Straight marriages are the only valid ones because they produce children.

(So infertile couples and old people shouldn't get married either, because the orphanages are clearly not full yet and the planet definitely needs more children, because the earth is definitely NOT overpopulated.)

7. Gay parents will only raise gay children.

(Same way straight parents raise ONLY straight children. Right?)

8. Religion does not approve gay marriage.

(Because as in every good theocracy, the values of one religion should be imposed in the whole country, despite the fact that some of the people in it might not believe in the same religion.)

9. Children can't live without a male and female role model at home.

(I guess this is why we forbid single parents to raise children, too?)

10. We can never adapt to such a big change of the foundation of society.

(Yeah, as we never adapted to women having the right to vote, or to using cars instead of carriages.)

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